Introducing the Upside Dawn

Today is a special day. Not only is it the first morning that we've ever woken up as a country to a female Vice President, but it is also the 21st day of the 21st year of the 21st century, completing a trifecta that only occurs around once every 100 years. (For example, this won't happen again until January 22nd, 2122: the 22nd day of the 22nd year of the 22nd century. In an ironic slap-in-the-face nod to the number 21,



Back to the Feature

The Copper Kid may not be able to time travel like his brother-in-arms Flashback, but this silent member of the Silverhawks from the Planet of the Mimes (no, we’re not shitting you) deserves a nod not only as a good-hearted and brave member of the team, but also as a mathematical genius. He also loves his gadgets: in fact, in addition to his side discs, he even has rocket skates!



A Sober Look at the Risks of Time Travel

In December, we presented a weekly series of 10 cocktail suggestions for the holiday season. In the spirit of rejuvenation, we've decided to participate in Dry January. People may choose not to drink for a variety of reasons. Maybe they're permanently sober, maybe they're just taking some time to detox a little, or maybe they just don't want to drink every night of the week. Whatever your reasons, it doesn't mean that you can't enjoy something fancy or festive,



The Stupidhero Landing

The Superhero Landing - sometimes referred to as a "three-point landing" - involves heroes touching down after flying or jumping from a great height by catching themselves on two feet and one hand, typically crouching into the kneeling position at the end, if not flat out landing on their one hand, one knee, and the opposite foot in a bend-leg crouch. Here to demonstrate it is Tony Stark - aka Iron Man - at his very own Stark Expo in Iron Man 2:

The landing is certainly impressive,



Christmases Long, Long Ago: Countdown Week 4

Jon revisits some Indiana memories and shares a delicious cocktail concoction that he learned about when he moved to North Carolina, and Rachel recalls the sensory impressions associated with various Christmas markets she has visited throughout her young(er) adulthood by providing a recipe for the classic German seasonal hot drink Glühwein.


Christmas Special 2020

“Camille understood that people often wanted to erase the pain of what they’d been through, to reinvent the past and their part in it.”
-Alice Hoffman, The Marriage of Opposites

Around this time of year, we are frantically trying to buy and wrap all the perfect presents, decorate for the benefit of ourselves and guests, prepare for long-distance travel or hosting the perfect holiday party. For all the hardships and weirdness 2020 has brought,



Hallmark-style Christmas Movies: A Lagging Indicator of Changing Social Norms

For me, romantic comedies set at Christmas are like chocolate pecan pie – treacly and high fructose. I wouldn’t want more than a couple pieces a year, and when someone asks me what my favorite kind of pie is, I never say chocolate pecan, but I usually think about it. You know what you’re going to get, and you know how you’re going to feel afterwards.

The demographic for the Hallmark Channel is women between the ages of 25 and 54.



Alliterative Aliases: Countdown Week 3

There's a surprising (and perhaps annoying?) amount of alliteration in character names in comics. Whether it is intended to be a clever play on sound or have some other purpose is not entirely clear, although the late Stan Lee claimed that he used the convention to make it easier to remember the names of characters that he created.


Superman and God’s Cocktail Countdown to the New Year

Looking for a pick-me-up over this long, long holiday season? Not sure how to reconcile like pretty much ALL of 2020 with your lingering suspicion that maybe you shouldn't be drinking ANYthing at this point? Why not try some of these creative and inspiring cocktails recommended by the creators of Superman and God themselves: Rachel and Jon!
